Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nation not to be robbed of its rights thr’ farce: Zardari

KARACHI: President Asif Ali Zardari said that none can rob people of their rights just by farcing, Geo News reported Wednesday.

Addressing a large public gathering on the Foundation Day of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) here, he said a public leader comes into existence only by having recourse to his people, adding he does not fear any conspiracy and every plot would be braced.

In emotionally charged speech the President said said, ‘Our existence is contingent upon the existence of Pakistan, as we are nothing if there is no Pakistan; we want a new Pakistan for the new generation.’

‘This is the day of Shaheed Zulfiqar Bhutto,’ Zardari said adding Parliament and the opposition do not want to derail the democracy.

‘We would not flinch back from even going to gallows by following the footsteps of Bhutto,’ Zardari said adding the slogans of ‘Jiey Bhutto’ are being raised from Gilgit-Baltistan.

President Zardari said, ‘We want the strength for Mian Nawaz Sharif and his party and those fond of politics, should wait for next elections.’

"Even after the martyrdom of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, I still assert 'Pakistan Khapay'," he added.

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