Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Atomic SMS - service maintenance on August, 22





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Atomic SMS - service maintenance on August, 22

Dear Atomic SMS Sender valued customer,

To improve the performance and reliability of Atomic SMS Sender, we kindly inform you about our service maintenance this Tuesday on 21.08.2013 at 03:00 (GMT +3).

Date and time of maintenance:
Date: Thursday, August  22, 2013.
Maintenance duration: from 00:00 (GMT) till 00:30 (GMT)

Impact for customers: the control panel and the API interface won't be available for 30 minutes.

Please ensure that your sms campaigns are not scheduled for the time of service maintenance!

In case of any questions please feel  free to contact us.

Julia Maltseva

Atomic SMS Sender Sales Manager
AtomPark Software Inc.
Skype: julua_maltseva21




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